Pronoun Validation Gallery
hajime sawatari 1978
tie front
Needle/Needle/Needles/Needleself Someone who uses needleself pronouns is a brave soul and faces dang
Zin/Zin/Zins/Zinself Someone who uses zinself pronouns is incredibly individualistic and knows exact
Voi/Void/Voids/Voidself Someone who uses voi/voids pronouns sounds like voi finds great comfort in d
Whomp/Whizz/Whirr/Whizelf Someone who uses whomp/whizz pronouns is fun to be around and loves shari
Bun/Bun/Buns/Bunself Someone who uses bun/buns pronouns may be playful or energetic. Buns favorite s
Stim/Stim/Stims/Stimself Someone who uses stimself pronouns is someone friendly and warm. Stim is a
Thon/Thon/Thons/Thonself Someone who uses thon/thons pronouns loves the classics. Thon may have a vi