Pet-yu Gallery
david bush
no nudity
gala practice
pet-yu:The stars are winking at me, naughty and lovely
pet-dog-cat-memoir: pet-yu: Commemorating the passing Bob commemorating the passing Bob 可愛いなぁ❤️
pet-yu:Running cat
pet-yu:I’m so happy when I’m relaxing!@penguinsandpacifiers Kitties!
pet-yu:Cats are the same 伸び~♪
pet-yu: pitiless eyes ホンマかいな?(  ̄▽ ̄)
pet-yu:Summer time 可愛いなぁ❤️
pet-yu:I’m so happy when I’m relaxing! @penguinsandpacifiers Kitties!
pet-dog-cat-memoir: pet-yu: Ideal is full, reality is empty.
pet-yu: No words are necessary between two loving hearts.
pet-dog-cat-memoir: pet-yu: No words are necessary between two loving hearts. love❤️❤️❤️